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SYCA Sponsors

Because of the generosity of our sponsors, SYCA has been able to provide the clinics free of cost to our parents from 2015-2018, and at at minimal fee of $20 for the entire session, since 2019.

Sponsors: Inner_about

SYCA sponsored most of the starter cricket equipment; kid size bats kid size wickets and even nets for practice from India, as well as the tournament trophies and custom made certificates for all the participating kids.


All additional equipment including balls and individual bats were brought in by parents equally passionate about the sport.









SYCA Equipment
Sponsors: Inner_about
Bruce&DianneNeedle v4.png

Dianne and Bruce Needle; The Needle Group

Local Sharon realtors and huge supporterers of all Sharon activities, Dianne and Bruce Needle have been our main sponsors since the beginning! They have been generously sponsoring team jerseys for all students, every year!

Sponsors: Inner_about

Hari Allam

Entrepreneur and local resident Hari Allam kindly stepped forward to sponsor the bulk of the food for the players as well as all the guests for all the tournaments, thereby making the Annual Tournaments even larger successes!

Hari Allam
Sponsors: Inner_about

Several parents also continue to contribute snacks, juice boxes and waters for the teams and coaches, for which we are very grateful.

Sponsors: Homepage_about
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